Welcome to my tales of cookery school, food and travel

The first 30+ posts of this blog describe my experiences as I complete a nine month cooking course - the City and Guilds Diploma in Food Preparation and Culinary Art. I did this after I moved out of full time employment and it was purely selfish - I love food, cooking, eating and drinking. Subsequent posts are about, food, travel and adventures.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

moving on

If I know you subscribe to this blog, I've alerted you to the new site for our grand caravanning adventure around Australia, starting this Saturday 30 March 2019.  Many of you have already signed up - thanks!

If I haven't contacted you, it's probably because I don't know you follow this blog.

If you are interested in our travels around Australia over the next couple of years (on and off), go to scottandbevgocaravanning.com where you’ll find a subscribe section on the right hand side. 

Enter your email address and you’ll get an email asking you to confirm you want to get the blog. If you confirm, then whenever I post you’ll automatically get a message in your inbox.

Feel free to notify anyone not on this email if you think they’ll be interested.

Thanks for sharing the journeys.

Monday 4 March 2019

that's it, I'm done with this blogging site. Smiling in Shanghai part 2

Here's the bit that somehow got cut off the Smiling in Shanghai post

Next on the street we sample steamed buns (bao), fried dumplings and soups, then at the Imperial Noodle House we have hand pulled noodles with scallion oil, and bamboo tofu with peppers.
steamed bao - how many can you eat?

pan fried dumplings - yum

bamboo tofu with green peppers
By now we are groaning and our bellies are straining, but wait - there's more! The Jin'an Bakery serves Sweetheart Cakes which I have no trouble refusing - heavy pastry wasn't going to sit well at this point. 

By this time it was 12.30 so that's some long breakfast.  I didn't eat for the rest of the day. true story.

this is the pork noodle soup I made at home after the sad failure of my dumpling dough - kind of a deconstructed dumpling - it was delicious.